Monday 13 February 2012

mobile phone poem no. 6.

Frozen hearted lovers

It’s not so warm now
Wind flicks at my comfort
And freezes my joy
Tearing licks of cozy supposition
From the bare faced cheek of my inner spaces
Bringing tears of shock
To fling themselves on the mercy
Of emotionless release
and in their wake they bring
the Salt which stings and yet consoles
The salt your dear mum said 

you can’t live without love
Grief salt – the salt of grief
Wind whipped white like lava flows
Burning down a hot red sea of lump red cheek

It’s warmer than last winter here dear father
In my cold lost heart
Though the wind keeps blowing
Like the ghost of the long lost love I never knew
Or am soon to lose due to its atrocious condition
My emotions were frozen in still birth for you
But at least it isn’t snowing.

art work: maria fetisova

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