Friday 17 February 2012


energy sucked
my negative waves
disappear down the latter day bavarian gentian
they call a cathode ray oscilloscope 
further into the nothing oblivion and decay
of that interactive soap opera of least resistance
where modern day persephone and hades’ live
in the form of will dung and britpop sneers
like sterilised lab rats caught in a humane death trap
where the pricks don’t hurt the punch don’t bruise
and the good can get lost
in a crowd scene
waiting for the great white chief
to come and set them free

such tv o.d. is just a small example
of how little respect I had for subtle forms
until the day I practised reiki
and discovered that our capacity to practise healing 
is no more confined to the nhs
than disastrous culpability and bloated arrogance
are confined like winter to the negative electron sect
despite my own assumption that I needn’t bother with it
because I was ok actually
FINE in fact
and Emotional
not bleeding at all

to hypothesise a fantasy
straight from the jehova’s witness book of lurid surrealism
and the mildly infuriating yet mostly harmless
child-likeness embodied in that crazy tripped up magazine
which has no equal
for shocking silliness
and ultra naivety incarnate
does the guy or gal who slops those pictures out
decorate my curry house as well?

if jesus came back yesterday
he’d have joined a band already
and healed the kids from every nation
with the simple application
of a modulating progression in A minor
some fat lick a cheesy hook a tender lyric
and everybody’d see his magenta aura
on some green screen in a chinese takeaway
whilst watching top of the pops
because that’s what it’s about
is the form of recognition
which doesn’t go by names
get your lighters  in the air everybody!

now I feel described without description
and because these subtle energy’s have begun to flow
like new wine from a gentle crushing
through the collapsed tunnels of ambivalence and regression
into a spirit of self assurance
and a mood of optimism
I can begin to get out of bed in the morning
and realise some purpose
karma yoga in the washing up
and the doctor’s surgery round the corner
gets very little business out of me today

I have stood before a crowd of thousands
heard them chant my name
but now I listen to the much more awesome movement
impercebtibly small still and silent 
of a single сrack of reiki
glowing in my veins.

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