Sunday 12 February 2012


I lost my virginity again today
I lost my naivety
My innocence - My sheen
Somebody stole my serenity away today
Violated my dignity, my self esteem

Once I was complete and playful
Just a little child in love with a daffodil
Now I have to work so hard and struggle
To try transcend duplicity's puzzle

And my virginity is trampled
By the thief of babble and squeak
And my life is measured in money
And cars and clothes and days of the weak
This thief took me twenty times tueday
In the cloakroom and the cupboard
Smacked and whipped me
With the chain of expectation
She made me screech and wish her badness
Made me howl like Lear on speed
Spilled me to the edge of madness
Made me writhe like a wounded serpent
Swimming against the weir in the stream

I was fruity now I’m tasteless
I was juicy now I’m dry
I was a beauty now I’m faceless
I was joyful now I cry from the dungeon
Deep in the desert like an egg in a pocket
I’m as trapped as a worm on a rocket

I lost my virginity again, i pray
My dear heart, my daughter, O, God please save me
I’m on duty in the harem today
The eunuchs can smell the perfume of retraction
On their charges, their beauties, their slaves.

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