Monday, 22 February 2021

lots of words


Hole in head
Wrongful slight
Join the debacle
Shaft of flight
Flight from fancy
This cave wall
shimmering bullet
That’s the word
S’who you are
That’s the word
Dusty star
Maia, Electra
Celeano, etcetra
Love your life
Eat and groom
Graze your knee
On a vibraphone
Live too long
gone too soon
Miss your whiskey
Sodden pants
Pant pant pants
Wringing rancid
Coffee whiskey cigasex
Swinging on a ratStar
Fervent hunter
You are moonlight
Under my floor
In the Jam jar
Of contrition
Leaking rakes
Adorn my wall
Love is a landslide
Going on outside
Within these walls
The googie withers
This petty pace
Melting slowly
As the glass
Hole in head
Immutable bird
Thou art spun
The way osmosis
Frames a howling
Course of sorrow
River rowing
Going faster
Gone tomorrow
And tomorrow
Ever after.


Tuesday 1st of December at 12.20am

Forgot about you 
sitting on the bus 
Forgot about you 
Forgot about us 
Forgot about you 
All our tomorrows
When there was then 
Such sweet sorrow

Forgot about you 
All too easy 
Didn't take much
The blink of a squeegee 
Gone with the dodo
Then you were gone

Forgot about bingo
Forgot about lunch
Anyway the wind blows 
Came to the crunch 
Forget about divas 
Better play dumb 
Nothing between us 
Better stay mum

Forgot about you 
sitting on the bus 
Forgot about you 
Forgot about us 
Forgot about you 
All our tomorrows
When there was then 
Such sweet sorrow

Forgot about you 
Paragon of shivers 
Forgot about your perfume 
The TV dinners
Forgotten begotten 
Something rotten 

Forgot about the good times 
Forgot about the wrongs 
Forgot about the hard lines 
Forgot about the songs 
Forgot about the musing
Forgot about the highs 
Forgot about the losing 
Forgot about the lies 

It was just amusing 
Like a passing cloud 
We were just abusing 
One another for the crowd 
Lot of stuff and nonsense 
For the sake of art 
Just a codependence 
Gone like a fart 

Forgot about you 
blink of a patter 
Forgot about you 
It doesn't matter 
Forgot about the landslide 
Forgot about the verses 
Forgot about the downside 
Litany of Mercies 
Forgot about the screaming 
Tyranny and chaos
Forgot about the teeming 
Miracle that gave us 
Many works of wonder 
Bursts of intuition 
Things to see and ponder 
Pass the ammunition

Forgot about you 
sitting on the bus 
Forgot about you 
Forgot about us 
Forgot about you 
All our tomorrows
When there was then 
Such sweet sorrow.

Tue, 1 Dec, 2020

Look yourself
Doe ray me
Fa di da
With your coccyx
Pent and rectal
All is magic
Queen of punk
You’ll be cannoned
Sepia latte
River cool
You debase me
Noodle face
Please erase me
Back to space
Creamy loon
O pandemona
Word made biscuit
Jammy dodger
You were born
To watch TV
Biscuit watcher
Cathode dunking
With your verity
Chocolate ginger
Licking crumbs
From razorblades
Glory glory
In hosanna
We have crumbled
Like your story
Lipstick graces
Your abandon
Waffen breezes
Window blind
With no traces
Left behind
Delicate nibbles
Sugar and spice
All things nice
Cyanide pill
In every slice
Fa so la
Ti ti tea.


The earth cracks 
Like a toffee crisp 
Pours it's lava 
Brown as a river 
Thick and sticky 
On your tongue 
Now I wanna be your frog 
Metamorphosed like a prince 
Singing songs of doom and wonder 
Beneath your window 
Japanese bull-girls in kimonos 
Orange and green and salty juice
Lift me up to the blue world yonder 
It's permitted, to fuck your muse?
Will the spell break? 
Put asunder 
By the mighty tread of fusion 
Rivers lick their shores and plunder
All the gold dust from Peru
Listen to the welcome thunder  
Beetling souls take off their shoes
Let the earth crack
Quantum paradise
Let the brightness 
Fade and pale. 

Badger badger 

Dirty pallor 
Of squalor and crime 
There’s a pedophile 
At number 9
Big bro did 
a gbh 
Screwed a garage 
mick and rossy 
Half my streeet 
Are criminal types 
My stinky street 
Cut the trees down 
ripper can’t hide 

Under street light 
sulphur warm 
Like cigarettes 
Pop man coming 
Awkward bodies 
Starting fires 
Climbing trees 
Nicking Brut 
fags and sweets 
Call the bomb squad 
Badger badger 
Mum’s gone mad
gonna shot her 

Criminal punks 
Brutal nasty 
Short as hell 
All against all 
All against all 
British bulldogs 
Monkey bridge
In the yewco 
Old Wilkie watchman
Ill met by flashlight 
Swears there’s a ghost 
Floats on moonlight 
Undead monk
Cowelled and faceless 
Shouldn’ta desecrated 
Abbott’s Sanctity 
Sacred silence
Cat had kittens 
On a bed of rust
Bring out the rat 



I gave you my bellyI

gave you an orangeI

gave you instruction

Brook your revision

Took your recusal

Less what is spent

Distilled to emulsion

Shook your lament

Brownian smoke bomb

She protesteth

O.T.T. Caruthers

What’s sent to test us

rent to an atom

Verily inculcates

the malignant shore
gave you my shades

gave you insistence

I may be your knave

just a coincidence

Look to your sutra

indulge in seclusion

hounds pursue ya

(Mr Thompson's)

no one left to trust

Only the bland

nothing to lose

Contrary to myth’s

vigorous declamations

nothing left to die for

Wilt and gander

Broken stem

Reed your stain

let it blotch

The yellow parchment

Of contrition

I gave you hell

I gave you porridge

Was it worth

The splintered fettle

Will you whist

Scratby Settle

Beget the gist

Electric petal
Maypole twist.


A matter of death and life

Big wheel flimsy
hope to die
Spin the reel
for a z650
ya winsome floozy
Bare Corfusion

Honda Civic
Thank you for
the roll up closet
incongruous domesticity
Kodachrome sky
Thank you for
the shitty coffee
Heart bare frolics
incalculable sensuality
heroin in the attic
The nodding glamard
bhudda in the backyard
resonant mantra
All that falls
Thai massage me
indelible knots
Cambridge wrestler
Vegan butcher
Uber marionette
Never mind the Jostiks
lost the will
To abjure my position
Security and comfort
In lieu of a leap
Mexican bean
Kierkegaard skreek
“The springs of love are frozen”
At the garden gate
The 99 circles
Ripping fate
The holy well
Drop your curtains
Like cathexis
All shall be hell
A matter of death
Death and life
Sharp your wits
Flick your knife
Slip on yo skin
heat of the night.

You who are

To be righteous
Humble modest
Gotta give credit
You who are
Beyond invention
Repent and weep

This is the day
This is the day
Tomorrow tomorrow
Yesterday x2

When I’m hungry I eat
The real miracle
When I’m thirsty I drink
This no way
Once upon a shame
The monkey wrote
All these mantras
In a bottle

Do be faithful
To the moment
Practice presence
Love exists
Planck 35
Minimum space

This is the bend
In time’s continuum
Tomorrow tomorrow
This is the lens
Which proves dark matter
This is the end
Infinity loves

To be righteous
Humble modest
Gotta give credit
You who are.


Get rid of the I
Get rid of the me
Get rid of macdonalds
Get rid of the gun
Get rid of the actor
Get rid of the sea
Get rid of tomorrow
and death and forgiveness
Get rid of all sorrow
Get rid of LP’s
Throw them out the window
Before the witch comes back
Get rid of your lover
Get rid of history
Get rid of danny glover
Get rid of poetry

Get rid of division
And absolute wealth
Get rid of revision
And the national health
Get rid of Montmartre
Get rid of jean Paul Sartre
And Edgar Allan Poe
Get rid of cancer
And wade versus Roe

Do so with nobs on
And bobbly hats
Get rid of mackerel
Get rid of jack spratt
Get rid of Albion
And William Blake
Happy and glorious
Burnt at the stake
Inflammable canker
My only mistake

Get rid of your lover
Get rid of history
Get rid of danny glover
Get rid of poetry

In the name of Regina
In the land of honey
Nothing could be finer
Nor so sunny
White cliff biscuit
Jammy and bleak
Get rid of the exquisite
The rare and antique

Get rid of the I
Get rid of the me
Get rid of macdonalds
Get rid of the gun
Get rid of the actor
Get rid of the sea
Get rid of tomorrow
and death and forgiveness
Get rid of all sorrow
Get rid of LP’s
Get rid of your lover
Get rid of history
Get rid of danny glover
Get rid of poetry.

Started 2003
Finished 2020

Need no honey
Or your likes
Flower flower
Take my life
Just out cool me
Ginger cat
This is for you dear
This is for you

Knotted nog
I am smaller
Than Apollo
Quantum planets
Break my lace
With a shoehorse
In your needle

Flower power
Pollen fat
Flower flower
Dance macabre
Hide an seek you
Ready or not
I can see your
Purple aura

Don’t be gringy
You defender
Throw me like
A Judo fetish
My dimension
Parallels you
Mount Olympus
Drowned in glue

Flower power
Pollen fat
Flower flower
Dance macabre
Just out cool me
Ginger cat
This is for you dear
This is for you.



All Misty

Never get over
Squirrel nut
Opposite rides
Of mystery
I knew nothing
Myself of bliss
Margarine greasy
All that coagulates
Infernally festers
Doesn’t it Charlotte

Everything in a dream
My cat Samantha
The Titanic
Is me i claim
in a dream
Social security
Fireball pulsar
Everything that lived
A fabrication

Memory thin
The tunnel of love
Is punctuated
By a ghost train
Haunts the Forest
Like a stink bomb
In the Cinders
Have you noticed
Musky pungence
On the raspberry
Railway line

These are German hand grenades
Turned into railroad bolts
Must have had some spare
After the war
Bang them with a lump hammer
Into the sleeper
Before they dissolve
Concrete in the mist
It’s now then
Out there
Isn’t it
It’s now then


Stay away from me
With your ministry
your incursion
Your circles of recusal

Stay away from me
You divinity
got it in for me
Inca Virgil Uber puppet

Stay away from me
With your lethargy
Votive pardon
Rippling frantic on the hook
Like a mantra
Or a bear pit
Sky hook shallow
Can’t release it

Stay away from me
Source your echo
In the silo of the desert

Stay away from me
Never never
Rub me like a coffee pot
With your naked viral friction
When the lure
Of misconception
Mitigates your condescension
Rasta ganja mother fukka


I don’t know you
Portly deviant
Are you falstaff
Or his mother
Stay away from me
Ocean mother
Like the bedbug’s
holy conquest

Are you planting
With the roses
Like a teabag
Lukewarm carpet
Under fetters
All your concourse
Of deceit

Reality is acid
Burning leaves
And caterpillars
Are you lining
Fields of grey
Like a tractor
Ploughing dung)

Stay away from me
With your ministry
your incursion
Your circles of recusal

Stay away from me
You divinity
got it in for me
Inca Virgil Uber puppet


Longest night
The darkest hour
Lovers hiding
In the cupboard
Slide show daisy
Twisting burning
Madness of kissing

Wish nor want this
Night to desist
May your loins
Rejoice forever
Moments ring
the raging mind
Tolling bluebells
Making honey
This is how
The universe began
This is how the fire
Was stolen
This is how
We live forever
Diamond bright
The longest night
I remember
Your lips
Your skin
I remember everything

Kill me quick
Before tomorrow
Let me stay
Erect forever
At the peak of ecstasy
The world the flesh now
In remission
Cry me to sleep
Covered in bliss
There’s the rub
Today you’re born
Today you die

Longest night
The darkest hour
Lovers fumbling
In the cupboard
Slide show daisy
Twisting burning
Madness of kissing

To be reborn
The coming dawn
Emily bronte
Berates the sun
Tremendous forces
Carried you here
Across the barriers
Of time and grace
In the pocket
Of a turtle
You’re a comet
Maid of space
You’re the dolphin
On my tongue

This is how
The universe began
This is how the fire
Was stolen
This is how
We live forever
Diamond bright
The longest night
I remember
Your lips
Your skin
I remember everything
I remember nothing
I remember
I Forget.



By their footfall
Toot toot Bletchley
Kick em in the Fanny mate
Play go fetch me
Ye shall know them
By their stench
Of putrefaction
And redundance
Shake their dust off
Dog breaks rat
Bounce straight back
Never been tripped
Never been mocked
Life is rich
Pearls and skylarks
But you break
The sacred vineyard
With degenerate

Frogspawn in the scrapyard
William Morris, Ruskin, Turner
To the workhouse
Debt collector
To the rat house
Call their worships
Ye shall know them all by Christ
When you burn the Christmas whiskey
When you spurn the innocent child
By their shriveled gloating hectors
By their maliphant proclamations
By their ignorance and their haircuts
By their indolent vanity
Ye shall know their ugly fruit
Ye shall know their crude mendacity
Where is beauty black as lightning
Where is beauty in your hearth
Where is beauty in your garden
Where the hemlock multiplies
Where there’s cruelty
So there shall be
All your misery
And your dearth
Curse your perfidy
Curse your villainy
Shake your dust off
Foul excrescence
To the summary
Of your memory
And your worth
slap your calumny
From this earth.



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