Friday 17 February 2012

Bones and Petals. (for ATC)

Pink spit free born
From a thunder moon
Softness barely textured
Like a touch of breath
Milk and sunshine threw your mud
Into this pinnacle
I shard the blood vase
Come breath and light.

Creation riffs off eternity
Renewing herself
Infinitely fresh
Incandescently pure
Formed from the air
Thinner than a quark
Soft as a breast
Holy as hope
Snappy as jazz.

Chemicals they say
Make bones and petals
Rust in a time warp
Cold to the marrow
Tolled by a drip
In a second it began
In the heart of a sparrow
The Sun becomes a man.

M.J.C. 18.10.08

ATC is Arthur Tikhon cooke - my beautiful son, born on 16.08.08.

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