Thursday 16 February 2012

budgie muscle

At a stroke
Reason the fat Queen
Nests in the brain
Egg bound she disgorges herself
goring us with the spacky licks
of a million spunky thoughts
which turns the we ours us
into a churning buzz
until she one day decides
to divvy up
take wing
frig it all and fly
leaving our minds like an empty hive

egg husks
and wax hammocks
to-ing and fro-ing in the fart light winds
of abandonment
occasionally stirring the detritus
at the foot of a thousand crumbling pillars
propping up the dripping cave
which consists of seven rotten turds
of useless knowledge
effervescing a miasma of choking fumes
strangling those little yellow canaries
born to splutter mewl and whine
at a flutter down the mine.

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