Friday 17 February 2012

love and regret

I don t have that desperate need
To fuck you now
Deborah Copley
It will never happen anyway, sad to say
I missed the day
When anyhow
Inevitability no doubt would have come
>  (let it commence)
To grind us down you know you shouldn t let
the bastards grind you down
nil carborundum non illegitimum (like a monk)
like salt and pepper
into the gravy
all brown and stodgy
that s how we d have become
an intimate confluence of tastes yum-yum
The steam!
this future debacle anyway never ensued
just because I never pursued you
after you wrote that delicate little note
saying how you liked me
smuggled unto me by way of janet
the red haired girl I used to sit next to in history
she was the one I truly fancied
but Deborah you re the one
from whom all my other loves have sprung
because of you I only get turned on
by women out of bounds
I met my maleloquent erogeny in you somehow
Outside the toilets in Bradford college
During a rock n roll gig
By the seminal punk funk neo Marxist dialectic
Middle class tossers from Leeds band
Called the gang of four
(Lets all roll on the floor and sing)
Sometimes I feel like a beetle on its back
and there s no way for me to get up
Love will get you like a case of anthrax and that s something
I don t wanna catch
They w
ere much beloved by scuffers like me
And now remain (like the dream of our entertwainment)
Together no more  no more no more no more
Gang of four
So there I was  zipping up my flies (sister sledge style)
Going back to my drug dealer (adi - the dyslexic tattooist)
to score some phencodyl  yum yum  the dreams!
And that was when I saw
Your vision
Damn it
Only two or three years later
You were more beautiful than janet
Now a veterinary assistant
Who could fall for an assistant cat speyer after all?
Yet you you you!!!
You were the one the everything the all
That s who you d become
Dignified complete severely stunning
The queen of Bradford college
The ugly duckling personified
Leaving me thunderstruck and emptied
Like a puddle of bones on the wooden floor
Needing to be zipped back up
Into a something resembling my body bag
As Shakespeare said o fuck o fuck
Just my luck
Now look what you ve gone and done
Dear deceitful anima
You’ve made me gone and turn my back on ravishing beauty
and crazy punk sex
With the hottest girl on the dance floor
While the fantasy woman of yours is at the vets
Separating ginger tom cats from their bollocks
Picking the occasional flea from her once proud locks
Her breasts and belly smell of fish
She is not so divine as you once had thought her
And now you re gonna have to endure the trauma
Of always wanting the woman you can t have
The one that you want
It the wrong choice every time
Because i ll always have turned my back on Deborah Copley
(Deborah is Hebrew for bumble bee)
So that bumble bee bumble bee of sweet completion
won t ever bee mine.
Co s if I want you and can t have you
Baby you re the one for me
But if you want me you can have me
So long as you don t work for the vet
But you won t keep or tame me
Since my deborah s always turn to janet s
The minute we’ve had sex.

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