Friday 17 February 2012


Sweat and widgets
Warts and giggles
It’s always sunny at a million feet
The sky is our ocean
The earth is our seat
But it’s minus 62 outside
That’ll bring the tears to our eyes
What ho Mr. Biggles
Chakka chakka chak chak
What’s in a digit?
Stop it.
You're kilting me
I always do the things I hate I always do the things I hate
Slumming it in paradise
Burnt out Kruschevs and dancing palms
Kinder egg wrappers
Flapping against hope
Like the ghosts of tropical fish
Recently escaped from a damp wallpaper mural
Which depicts all the symptoms
Of pandemic alcoholism in the people
Slaves to anything the president exposits
They accept malnutrition
Being fed on the flesh
of the dead alone
While cows graze on mandarins
Getting our hair cut in a photo booth
By the personal barber of several
Prime ministers
Something for the world’s end Sir?
You’ll never feel a thing...

You were like a cornfield
Swaying in the wind
You were like a dolly-bear
Watch her as she spins.

pic - nikon's swords in the grass at the dacha

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