Mirror Thin Portals
Doors of fate
Sculpted mobus
Cosmic loops
Hair line fractures
Black on black
Diamond scores
In outer space
Put your hand out
Walk through glass
Now you see my
Rivet holes
edge of the skull
Other dimensions
Parallel forces
Litter the night
Like blades of straw
You can spin these
Conjugate portals
Acid flashback
Cherry blossom
Fire and cherry
Cherry cherry cherry
Sparks light up
The jokers face
Everything is mist
There is no space
Astral dreams
Portrait blind
There’s nothing there
beyond the veil
The cloud of knowing
Fractures perfume
Sensual moonscapes
One armed Censi
Turn these fractured
Bandit tumbles
Foetal bliss and
Tranquil nature
For the rape
Of paradise
I have slipped
The needles eye
Boundless magnitudes
Of crushing bliss
Lay before me
Like the vales
Of hallucination
Glass dark imminence
Rendered green
In memory’s eye.
Her beak
My soft chest
Like an eggshell
She’s Breaking in
she wants to nestle
In this hot
and bloody cell
one lung or the other
Mystical mystic
All shall be well
Buddha is pissing
On my cactus
It is not mind
It is not butter
It is not things
I don’t have a privy
to piss in Sydney
Just these tiger stripes
Embedded in my genes
Tattooed on my brain
Tyger tyger
Tyger tyger
That there are
That which is
That there were
That which was
Only thinking
Separates us
Only memory
Leads to this
Spiral staircase
Sliding bannisters
Naughty naught
Midwitch cuckoos
Don’t get caught
In the dream
Her beak is sharp
Eviscerates me
Like a mollusk
Suck ma juice out
For her babies
She was tender
Rip your heart out
For her kith
Rip your heart out
With her beak
Sister dactyl
Terra birdie
I accept you
And your beak
Please murder me
My soft tissue
Made of minerals
Good to eat
Love remains
To stain the air.
18 secs
Twitching memories
Crawling dripping
fronds of spaghetti
Bing bang gone
Crime scene abstract
This was the was that wasn’t
The minus whatever
of none
It’s already happened
It’s already said
It’s already written
You’re already dead
It’s a matter of now
Hit the volcano
Then it’s Kapow
Lava meet snow
You’ve had your chips
The sun is hollow
Curry on your lips
Let me lick your
metal tinge
copper plated oyster shell
The texture
The image
Correlating with
your forfended place
I have seen you
In the wardrobe
In the bathroom
Skin a-glow
I have known you
I have longed to
Kiss your joy
18 secs
Gun to head
Blue my mind
Splashing memories
Like Jackson pollock
Coherent factions
Paint the cave
Brush of a bullet
Life drawn last
Stripper debauch
Against the wall
Thoughts have weight
Recede and fall
And fall
And fall
And fall
And fall
It’s already happened
It’s already said
It’s already written
You’re already dead
It’s a matter of now
Hit the volcano
Then it’s Kapow
Lava meet snow
When we were then
Ecce homo
When we were then
Go Johnny go go.
Tempter Temptra
Extro fantasia
soft loom intercourse
Fatale fatalis
Intricate wend
Sticky accomplice
Bitter and hot
portrait du bliss
Like as not
fragment ripped
Siren song
From the lips
In your hand
To the blood
In your pound
Sensual sweet
Exotic vermillion
Delirious treat
Let me slice you
With my primal
climb inside you
Passe part-out
You are fresh
As new cut grass
Cosmic forces
eclipse and couple
Sun and moon as
Tongue and taste
and breast laid bare
What the child
This phantasm
What the kiss
In thy orgasm.
Hide and seek
One mint an they Dog
Took a tab of acid
Den zi crack poured
In the mirror
Their vanity
All around the garden
Through the cathode Ray
Oscilloscopic dream
Onto the golden bream
Dappled with reek
Hide an seek you
If you wish you
May repeat
Remember remember
Kick ya face in
For a bag of laughs
Butchya soul is safe
From scrupiny
My Bonnie lads
Scrupiny scrupiny
They got it scrupiny
Don’t they Kenny
Let’s go back in time
Shave the stalactites
shave yor wafp
Under circus freakn
Hidin’ an’a seekn
There’s a leaden mirror
In her folie bedroom
Where the dark weighs more
Than the colour seven
Outside of there
The mutant deer
Blow their fayre
Umbilical fawns
Bray the forest
Where dead horses
Brack n delf
I can seen you
Taint your self.
Spent some happiness
In your lift
Your Groovy cave
Small and furry
species of pict
Groovy groovy
Forever engraved
back of some
It was writ
Lowestoft Norwich
Coffee and shit
Already happened
Before and during
Chased from heaven
Pluto maybe
On a duck pond
Destiny unfolded
Made expectant
She wanted to live
She wanted it big
Your little pig
I will pluck you
Perfume ripple
From a distance
With my nose
This be the verse
Multifoliat rose
Ginger coffee
Indivisible source
Let me adore you
Without separation
In the garden
Of the written
All these memories
Leave to remain
In Looking glass woods
nothing is named.
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