Friday 17 February 2012


Innocence innocence please come back
I’ve seen enough of the world the flesh and television
corruption waited like a poppy waits for the big pushers
to enmesh me in her luscious little trap
though truth be told I couldn’t wait to walk so she caught me as I fell
since I was running like a baby octopus on an icy chopping block
into her arms face and oops a daisy

I have to report to you my captain my corporal
that she had a plastic bag full of wildfell virtues such as patience
collected for her by little elfin antic Botticelli demons
to put to the cider press dusted in yeast
but they were well out-weighed by all her chemical
rhetoric and pumped up steroidal cunning 
(something reminiscent of a prize winning turnip
the bloatedness of her self assurance was)

One dark insect hair sprouted for each step I took
into the world the world obliviate of bliss
I picked up drugs I picked up lust
I picked up tolerance for things which used to disgust
before I knew it I saw that one hundred one thousand 
one million of these ektoskeletal extrusions had sunburst
by the roots which reached guess where
deep inside my right lopped brain
gorging themselves stiff on a breakfast bowl of slavery
subsequently defenestrating the dish like das frisbee
then turning the tap on and laying under the pleasure barrel
to let it empty itself into the yawning insatiable maw trap of man
behaved the me self my trap
the self beside the self side beside the me side self of the great I AM.

What would you do winnie pooh if it didn’t really matter
How completely petitely the gloss on your new car glowed?
Deeper than a shag pile rug it mings and shimmers
Extolling exoticicity in limo scent motorcade mode
Red black tiger concrete jam
Burning stillness like dis-ease
Fending off the fog of law enforcement and rust cancer
With a shoestring swat of techno polymers
Roboting like a row of conker poo
picking up the fact that pigs can fly like bird flu
winging their immortal revenge on man in bogey sized sacks
same bird shit – different paint job – he sighs
not really giving a damn

Let the ash and plastic clog my brain my vowels the way to heaven
Let the sun cry and pillar of salt me to death like vesuvius
Let the molten tears flow
Love let it rain. Let it rain, let it sleet, let it snow.                                        


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